Jim's Journal
Why and How we went from SaaS to Cloud, Services to APIs – It’s just Business!
Why and How we went from SaaS to Cloud, Services to APIs – It’s just Business!

Why and How we went from SaaS to Cloud, Services to APIs – It’s just Business!

Just how does Amazon or Google scale to such a huge number of transactions or inquiries? How are these companies able to afford to serve so many customers every day, with new services, nonstop again and again? The economics behind…

ESB: Enterprise Service Bus or Evolving Services Buzzwords
ESB: Enterprise Service Bus or Evolving Services Buzzwords

ESB: Enterprise Service Bus or Evolving Services Buzzwords

I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about microservices and ESBs (the Enterprise Services Bus) and what it means for my banking friends and customers. There is a lot of confusion out there – what is an ESB and who is using them in banking… here are some thoughts on the matter in a playful comparison to the Red Devil busses in Panama to a discussion on banking specific solutions vs an all purpose integration platform.
#middleware #microservices #ESB #enterpriseservciesbus #mulesoft #tibco #PaaS

Microservices and other shifts in techspeak
Microservices and other shifts in techspeak

Microservices and other shifts in techspeak

Over the past 30 years selling technology solutions, the raw materials of the products I sell have changed many times. Shifts from centralized to decentralized processing and data models, optimization for the hardware we were operating on, business trends swinging…

IOT, Mobile Create Cyborgs of Traditional Bank Branch & ATM Self-Service Beasts

I know, I just mixed a metaphor – and I used a simile for a branch acting like a person. Grammar be damned – the things bankers are doing these days with mobile in the branch just make me think…

NOLA: My friends’ favorite places to eat
NOLA: My friends’ favorite places to eat

NOLA: My friends’ favorite places to eat

Casual: Willa Jean** (Breakfast/Brunch) 611 O’Keefe Avenue  504.509.7334 Plum Street Snowballs (landmark treat) 1300 Burdette St 504.866.7996 The Camellia Grill (Sandwiches & Po’Boys) 626 S Carrollton Ave 504.866.9573 Mother’s (Po’Boys) 401 Poydras  504.523-9656 Parkway Bakery (Dive/Fun/Po’Boys) 538 Hagan Avenue 504.482.3047 Bachanal in the Bywater (wine and music) 600 Poland…

From B2B To P2P, Faster Payments
From B2B To P2P, Faster Payments

From B2B To P2P, Faster Payments

   I’ve watched the business-to-business , person-to-person, and account-to-account payments industry from an insider’s perspective over the last 20 years. Moving through time from commercial online banking, to retail online banking, to mobile banking, to digital banking – payments is…