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It’s volatile and scary, yet magical and transcending all at the same time.

But the scariest part about loving is not the knowledge that it could be unrequited.

It’s the knowledge that your significant other could love you significantly less than you love them. Those three words that are so powerful at first can easily lose their worth, and then slowly but surely they cease to exist. They stop slipping out of those lips you look so tenderly upon. You’re left reminiscing of the times that were good. You look to those lips for the words you want to hear. Three simple words, but they are not spoken.

You tell others that you’re happier than ever, that he/she is the one for you. But then something happens. Or something doesn’t happen. And thats just as greatly disappointing. Love causes you to wrack your brain for what YOU could’ve done wrong, when maybe in fact it isn’t you at all. Maybe its them. Or maybe its the combination of both. But love has talons that stake your heart and refuse to let go. Love whispers haunting melodies in your ear. “Stay, stay, it’ll be ok, stay”. Love can be a disease.

Alas, at the same exact time love can be beautiful. It can make the sun shine, and birds chirp. It can make the grass greener on your side. Love can breath life into the most hollow of souls and set fire to the blandest of minds. Love establishes fresh points of view. Love brings color and vibrancy into a previously drab world. Love is invigorating and inspiring. Love leads to worldly conquests and mythical artistry. Love creates heartbreakingly beautiful stories, meant to be shared with the world.

And that’s why love is hard. Value is placed according to desire, obtainability and availability. If love were such an easy commodity to come by, it would have no value. If love were always simple, it wouldn’t be love. Complexity weaves the most pure web. Twists and turns add dimensions, let downs leave room for build ups. Expectations lead to doubt, but doubt leads to surprise.

So hard as it may be, don’t disregard love. Don’t give up on it. Don’t let one faulty brick bring down a beautifully overgrown wall. Rediscover the three words. Rediscover their meaning. Rediscover your partner. Love them, and love yourself loving them.


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Author: Maia Charanis

A verbose, often dramatic, amateur performer, Maia loves commas. She also loves rewatching films on Netflix, fuzzy socks and a warm drink. Maia has an unhealthy addiction to diet coke and definitely scrolls through social media too much. She passionately supports the arts, and considers herself an artist in the making. She currently attends school in South Carolina, where she is pursuing a B.A. degree in Dance Performance and Choreography. One day she hopes to grace stages nationally and internationally, fighting the forces of monotony that threaten the sanity of the average human being. She really appreciates you being here, and hopes you enjoy the ramblings of her unfiltered and often sarcastic mind.

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