Jim's Journal


Retail Online Banking – Innovation or Evolution?

I spent the day visiting with bankers, executives and vendor salespeople at BAI Retail Delivery 2013 – Denver, CO November 5-7. My take away? We are all continuing the transition from static web based information delivery to dynamic mobile content.…

Today’s Rant: Multi-Channel is not multi-technology or multi-cross sell; it has to start with the customer

Considering all of the conversations I’ve had with customers over the years about cross sell, multiple channels, touch points and technology investment the conversation always starts with “what should we do?” Be accessible with technology and with personality.  Build the…

$400 million – to build a portal that doesn’t work?

Today’s article in NYTimes: From the Start, Signs of Trouble at Health Portal Interviews and an examination of confidential documents point to a series of missteps — financial, technical and managerial — that led to the troubles with the new…

Develop, deploy and interact with your customers in the way of the future
Develop, deploy and interact with your customers in the way of the future

Develop, deploy and interact with your customers in the way of the future

I’ve been exploring the world of mobile technology a lot more lately. Both the development of mobile apps or online applications and the deployment and security around these interactions.  After considering how my friends in the financial services industry have…

Payments, MFA, Mobile Phones and Innovation
Payments, MFA, Mobile Phones and Innovation

Payments, MFA, Mobile Phones and Innovation

I’ve been considering how we get to mobile payments, card-less transactions, call it what you will – but right now we are in a knife fight and its really starting to annoy me. I’ve started this post a hundred times…